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Eligibility and Access


Notwithstanding the above entries under Admission of Non-Members to the Club, the following may not be admitted as guests:-

(a)     former members who have ceased to be members under any of the previously stated rules;

(b)     persons whose application for membership has been refused;

(c)     members who are suspended under any stated rule of this rule book;

(d)     members who have been ordered to withdraw and who have not subsequently met the Club Requirements.

Hours of Opening and Closing Club Premises


The Club shall be opened and closed at such hours as may from time to time be fixed by the Committee and as posted in the Club.

Like any other human activity, swinging also has its pros and cons. A few basic laid down principles can make swinging fun and foul-free, every time.


One goes, both go...

Come as a couple and leave as one. It is not preferable if one goes while the other lags behind. Always go hand in hand without leaving your partner behind. Swinging is safer and easier if both partners are comfortable indulging in it. It is a team game. Not a solo affair.



Arriving at the correct time applies here as well. Turning up late at a party is a turn-off. By the time you’re in, the night would be in full swing. You’d only end up making people who are already in the act feel awkward. You won’t know where to fit in too. Inform the host beforehand if you are going to be late. Or you may not be invited again.



The lifestyle of the swingers isn’t a piece of cake. Sometimes it is complex and complicated with lots of insecurities and uncertainties. Courtesy is the key to ease up. Behave with people just like you would like them to behave towards you. Be sensible, thoughtful and understanding.


RSVP to Invitations...

Even if you don’t wish to attend, answer to all invitations. It is very annoying for a host if they don’t know how many people are going to turn up. Reply by phone or mail and express your gratitude for the invitation.


Gift for the Host...

Don’t go to a party empty-handed. Ask the host about what you could get for them. Get something racy or simple for the hosts every time you attend a swingers’ party. See, it’s just like a normal party, isn’t it?


The Right Attire...

Wear clothes that are practical and will be comfortable for you as the night progresses. Carrying a robe or a negligee is a good idea. Take only as much cash as you require. Keep your bling, jewelry and other valuables to the bare minimum. Losing them will be headache to you and an embarrassment to the hosts.

Health and Hygiene...

Oral hygiene is a basic necessity for everyone. Bad breath or body odor is a big turn-off for your potential partners. Shower and groom well before you leave for the party. Good cologne, perfumes or body sprays will give you the edge in the environment. The best way to enjoy the party is by freshening up as you reach there.


Enjoy Yourself...

The whole idea is to have fun and enjoy your time here, so participate in activities that make you feel comfortable. Don’t let anyone pressurize you to do something you don’t like. This may be the most important one. Approach every activity with an open mind and positive attitude. Act out your fantasies, and enjoy yourself

The Right to say ‘NO’...

This is the fundamental etiquette in swinging, the right to say ‘no’. It is simple and straightforward, and polite to say ‘no, thank you’. Explanations and alibis aren’t required as these may cause embarrassment and hurt you. You shouldn’t be afraid to decline an invitation. It is the only way to avoid doing something you might regret afterwards. And that might just create more ill-feelings and embarrassment.



Be a friend to all, even if you don’t want to extend the night or don’t have any interest in getting physical with someone. You may catch a vibe by being nice with the others in the community. They may put you across to people who you may be interested in.

Swinging can be every bit as invigorating, exciting and fulfilling as you can ever imagine. It opens a window to explore your favorite fantasies in safe mode. You and your partner can work out in private, and yet you can enjoy another couple or get a group swing in just one evening.

Meeting new interesting people and making bold friends are potential side-effects of swinging. Swinging also has the common positive effect of enhancing your relationship and personal life to a great extent. The positive feeling about yourself, your mate, and your relationship is the most important factor while swinging.

Club Rules

These Rules and Regulations are adopted by the Owner (as such term is defined in the Taboo VIP Bylaws) in accordance with the Club’s Bylaws. It is the intention of the Club to limit these Rules and Regulations to the minimum required for the mutual enjoyment of the Club by its Members and their Guests. The obligation of enforcing these Rules and Regulations for the good of all Members is placed primarily in the hands of a carefully selected and trained staff. Their principal responsibility is to assure you of all the courtesies, comforts, and service to which you, as a Member of a fine club, are entitled. It is furthermore the duty of the Membership of the club to know these Rules and Regulations and to cooperate with the Club staff in their enforcement.

Members are asked to report any violation of the Rules and Regulations. Members violating these Rules and Regulations are subject to such action as deemed necessary in accordance with the Club Bylaws. Continued violation of the Rules and Regulations may lead to suspension and ultimate expulsion as provided in the Club Bylaws.


The Committee shall have power to make such bye-laws as it may consider necessary for the good order and management of the Club, provided that no such bye-laws shall conflict with any of the rules.


Eligibility for Membership

 All basic members of the Club must be at least 18 years of age and to Join our VIP LIST you must be at least 21 years of age . (Must Indicate BASIC OR VIP MEMBER IN SUBJECT)

Applicants must sign in with the application form below. The application form must contain your correct information starting with present name, address of each applicant and all required fields. This form shall be held for approval for at least two clear days prior to the proposed member’s name being considered by the Committee.


The Committee has the sole authority to admit applicants to membership or to reject them. The decision of the Committee shall be final.


The reasons for the decision shall not be conveyed to the applicant.


Immediately upon admission the new member shall: -


(a)     Be provided with full access to all site pages, and codes or passwords for special events are for only VIP Members.

(b)     Pay the current joining fee and subscription;

(c)     Receive a Notification of All Upcoming Private Events and Invitation to Private Invites.

Temporary Membership

The names and addresses of applicants for temporary membership should be posted in the Club for at least two clear days before the membership becomes valid.

The Committee may authorise the admission of temporary members from a date being two clear days from the date of receipt of the relevant application.

Admission of Non-Members to the Club


Guests of Members

In addition to their family any member may introduce friends as guests provided that no member may introduce more than two guests at any one time and no individual (who is eligible for membership) may be introduced as a guest more than twice in one year.


Guests and the member introducing them shall give prior notice of invitation and approval of acceptance.


Members shall be responsible for the good behaviour of guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the Club and in the event that a guest is removed from the Club premises for misconduct or other cause, the member introducing such a guest may be subject to disciplinary procedures. The member must be present throughout the period their guests are in the Club.


Guest Approved by the Committee

Persons attending the following functions organised by the Committee or organised by a member and approved by the Committee may be admitted to the Club occasions of a member’s personal or family nature including parents,  and descendants, not organised for profit and which are customarily celebrated, e.g. weddings, retirements, silver and golden wedding anniversaries, etc..

Annual Subscription and Joining Fees 

$75 single Men

$50 per Couple

$20 single Women

$25 Temporary Member or Guest 

Who pays

All members shall pay an initial joining fee together with a subscription as may from time to time be determined by Taboo, and ratified by the members at an Annual General Meeting.


Temporary members shall pay a joining fee and subscription as determined by Taboo.


VIP Subscription Paid Members recieve Discounts towards entrance to private parties and engagements, or Private Reservations as well as Exclusive Notice to All Special Events, also as an incentive we also give Discounts On Beverages and Hookah´s.

Payments Due

In Order to become an Active Members you must Register as well as Deposit the appropriate amount through PAYPAL as way of Proof of Age and Legitimacy as well as all financial legalities.

The subscription for the current financial year becomes due as soon as an applicant is admitted to membership and subsequently on the first day of January being the beginning of the Club’s financial year.  Also Eligibility to events are according to Active Members Statis Level.



Any member who has not paid his subscription within 31 days after it has become due shall be considered to be “in arrears”


Any member “in arrears” shall be liable to pay a fine as set by Taboo along with the annual subscription.


Lapsed Membership

Any member whose subscription is still not paid within four weeks of becoming in arrears shall cease to be a member


Senior VIP

Upon completion of 2 full and consecutive years of membership shall be entitled to reduced membership so long as they have not been in contravention of any of the rules of the Club.


Committee Members

Members of the Club who have served as elected members of the Committee for 5 consecutive years shall be awarded honorary Life Membership in recognition of their service to the Club.

Address Change

Any member changing his address must notify of such change within fourteen days thereafter.


Cessation of Membership


A member shall cease to be a member: -

(a)     By non-payment of subscriptions;

(b)     By expulsion;

(c)     By resignation; (Any member wishing to resign must send written notice to the have his resignation formally accepted by the Committee).

(d)     Upon death:

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